Sunday, December 19, 2010

Total Lunar Eclipse December 2010

Early in the morning of December the 21st, on the winter solstice, there will be a total lunar eclipse. If you live in North America you should have great views of the eclipse. If you live in Western Europe you should be able to see the beginning of the eclipse.
If you don’t see the total lunar eclipse on Monday/Tuesday (depending upon your location) you will have to wait until 2014 to see the next one.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Three upcoming films

Hilary Duff - Appear in three upcoming films..
As of December 2010, Hilary Duff
Now what s going on Hilary Duff
is scheduled to appear in three upcoming films: The Story of Bonnie and Clyde, an adaptation of Bonnie and Clyde; Bloodworth, an adaptation of the novel Provinces of Night by William Gay, where Duff plays Raven Halfacre, a teenage daughter of a promiscuous, alcoholic mother; and She Wants Me, directed by Rob Margolies, in which, she plays a young Hollywood actress named Kim Powers.

BTW.. Kylie Minogue Suggestion Hilary Suff to play with her In Biopic...

"Who would play me?" Kylie Minogue told London radio hosts Rich and Kat. "I don't know! Not me. I've lived it once, I don't need to live through it again in biopic form."

When pressed to cast, though, Kylie Minogue had an interesting suggestion:

"I've been told Hilary Duff resembles me," "If she could manage to lose the American accent perhaps that would work. She'd have to watch repeat episodes of 'Neighbours' and 'Home And Away.'"


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Speak Out Against Child Violence, Use Cartoon Pictures For Facebook Profile

People are using various cartoon pictures for Facebook profile in an effort to speak out against child violence until Monday, December 6, 2010. By uploading pictures of different cartoon heroes since childhood that will create an invasion of childhood memories. On Facebook, images of the Flintstones, Thundercats, the Smurfs and other classic cartoon characters are taking over users' news feeds. Some of the most popular cartoon pictures for Facebrook profile pics have been the Looney Tunes cartoon characters, The Snorks, Fraggle Rock, Strawberry Shortcake, and Smurfette.