All those who have time to spare, consider yourself TAGGED!
Here goes me…
- Available: No – occupied and busy, very busy…
- Age: At the wrong end of the 20s
- Animals: Horses
- Beer: Not for me, bring on the wine though!
- Birthday: Just round the corner
- Best friend: Hubby dearest
- Body Part on opposite sex: The grey matter in that cranium!
- Best feeling in the world: At the beach, where I can hear the waves crashing on the rocks and feel the balmy breeze on my cheeks
- Best weather: I mind the sun. Rain, thunder, storm, hail and snow – all make my day.
- Been in Love: Yeah yeah, been there, done that!
- Been on stage: Yes, loads of times – for debates, JAMs, dramatics, compering and even dancing!
- Believe in Magic: Umm would like to believe in magic but reality bites hard,
- Believe in Santa: Ofcourse – in Santa and Rudolf and all such stuff that magically gets you gifts!
- Brand: Identity crisis!
- Candy: Melody and Hajmola Imli ;)
- Color: White, Blue, Peach, Pink, Violet, Red, Black – actually all of them depending on what mood I am in.
- Chocolate/Vanilla: Chocolate brownies with hot chocolate fudge on a generous helping of light chocolate and vanilla ice-cream – and a double helping of that pls.
- Chinese/Indian/Italian: Italian
- Cake or pie: Cake
- Cheese: In any form and all kinds!
- Day or Night: Depends for what!
- Dancing in the rain: Makes living life worthwhile
- Eyes: Clear and transparent
- Ever failed a class?: Nahiiiiiii
- Enemies: I am sure I have many, I like to believe I have consciously made none
- Exercise: Much needed - Wish was more regular at that
- First thoughts waking up: How many more minutes can I laze around before it becomes too late to wake up
- Food: Another reason that convinces you the world is not such a bad place
- Greatest Fear: Darkness
- Goals: None, I just kick around
- Get along with your parents: Yes, pretty well and to add, they are managing quite well too ;)
- Hair Color: Black
- Happy: Happy!
- Holiday: Nothing as holier as the day that’s a holiday!
- Ice Cream: In all flavors with lots of nuts
- Jewelry: Minimalistic
- Job: That pays bills
- Kids: Love them! Hope to have my own someday ;)
- Kickboxing or karate: Karate – a senior green belter, mind you :D
- Keep a journal? In the stone age when Internet had not invaded our lives and then blogs happened.
- Love: Makes the world go round
- Laughed so hard you cried: Yes yes, so many times!
- Milk flavor: Chocolate – latest is cold milk with Hersheys chocolate syrup.
- Movies: All lovey dovey romances, candy floss love stories and chick flicks.
- Motion sickness: A bad case of that I am :(
- McD’s or BK: Mc Donald’s in India – anywhere else, it doesn’t matter cos both have nothing to offer vegetarians!
- Number: Infinity
- One wish: That I could get some more wishes!
- Perfect Pizza: Domino’s thin crust – Mexican green wave with an extra helping of olives – spruced up with oregano and lots of chilly flakes
- Pepsi/Coke: None
- Perfume/Cologne: Perfume – Dolce Gabbana Gold
- Quail: Reptiles
- Reason to cry: movies, books, unfortunate incidents, memories, nostalgia , too much off love and happiness, self-sympathy trips…
- Reality T.V : A haven for desperados
- Radio Station: It’s been ages since I tuned into one
- Song: So many…all time favs would be
English: Stairway to heaven
Hindi: Yeh honsla kaise ruke
- Shoe size: Among the smaller ones
- Salad Dressing: Thousand Island
- Skinny dip: Leave it t the skinny people to have!
- Strawberries/Blueberries : Strawberries…!
- Sport: What is that?
- Tattoos: Too painful for me!
- Thunderstorms: Make for shady pseudo romantic moments in Indian cinema
- Unpredictable: Me Me Me
- Vacation spot(s): Would love to see all the famous tourist spots in the world – Greece and Venice are up on my list!
- Weakness: Emotions rule the head.
- Who makes you laugh the most: rather what - Life and its vicissitudes
- Worst Weather?: Depression
- X-Rays: A pain at the airports
-Year it is now: 2011
-Yellow: Sunflowers – bright and cheery
- Zoo animal: Love the Giraffe!
[Image source: Google Images]
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